howOn Friday of this past week, I opened an email that I had just received. I really didn't think much about the author of the email. I had been receiving many emails inquiring about the upcoming district science fair so I assumed this was just another inquiry. How wrong I was.
The opening line was..."Were you a teacher at Meadow Lane some time in your career?" I quickly replied that I was and still am teaching at Meadow Lane. This began an email conversation with a former student of mine that thoroughly 'MADE MY DAY'!
I found out that Matt is now a 5th grade teacher in Wichita, Kansas at Linwood Elementary School. He's married and has two children. He had been reminiscing with his wife about his 3rd grade year at Meadow Lane and that his family had moved to Scottsbluff before the end of the school year. He noted how special it was that I had had the students send him a letter at the end of the year to fill him in on what we had been doing. He also noted that I had played a part in his career choice to become a teacher.
Well, needless to say, I was greatly honored by his message. Over the past 35 years, I've had the opportunity to work with many students. I'm sure some were thrilled when the school year was over and that they didn't have to endure Mr. Mann's classroom anymore. Then others, throughout the years, have either stayed connected or have tried to reconnect such as Matt did this past week.
I share this with you along with a request that you might also connect with a former teacher. Let me tell you, it is a special treat for teachers to hear from their former students and learn what they have accomplished. Maybe a note in the mail...a tweet...a call....or maybe if you see them standing in a line at the store, just say HI! It will really 'MAKE THEIR DAY'!